Welcome to my Dogood House!
Copyright © 1998
The DoGood House
Concerts Songcraft Songwriters Musician's Links The Mongolian Experience Sapporo Resources Babies!! Chat
Hi! Once again it’s a new
First off! An apology as I have not been updating this site as often as I hope to.
I pray that the Lord has been good to each of you!
I'm working right now on my MYSPACE site where I keep a blog and feature some of my songs
Just click on this Link!
Hope to see some of you there!!
Also feel free to check out Sonic
Sanctuary’s website!
What about you? How have you been? There is also a book out now that contains
testimonies of me, Martin, Ken and others. The
catch is that it is in Chinese. If you want to read Testimonies of both me and
Martin n English, please click here! If
you wish to purchase the book, please email me at the email address found in Sonic
Sanctuary’s website. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Cigarette smoking is more harmful to women than to men,
cutting more than a decade off female smokers' life expectancy but much less
for their male peers, Dutch government research suggested Monday. Statistics agency CBS said a comparison of the numbers of
Dutch who died of lung cancer in 2003 and smoking trends showed the habit cut a Dutch woman's
life expectancy by 11 years, versus three for a man. "Women who died from lung cancer were younger than men
who died from the same cause. This means the harmful effects of smoking are more serious
for women than for men," it said, but did not suggest a reason for the
difference. Cigarette smoking is believed to be one of the main causes
of lung cancer as well as other cancers and lung diseases. The CBS said a rise in lung cancer among Dutch women since
the 1970s correlated with an increase in smoking by women. On average, female lung cancer sufferers died at age 70
versus an average life expectancy for Dutch women of 81. Male lung cancer sufferers lived to an age of 73 on
average, compared with an average expectancy of 76 years for Dutch men. The CBS said life expectancy for men in the "The fall in cases of lung cancer among men can be
attributed to their smoking habits," it said. I used to smoke 3 packs a day before
the year 2000. That is 60 sticks a day! Guys and gals, If you are still smoking
today, its time to really quit. I used to have my daughters coming up to me and
saying “Dad…..please quit smoking … we don’t want to see you die!” I know what you all are going
through…But if you really want to quit….you can do it. As for me…I can’t do it on my own. I
have the resolution but not the will power. I have to have help. And it came
from Jesus. You too can have Jesus helping you
quit this nasty, selfish, expensive, futile and ridiculous habit. All you need
to do is ask! Wanna know how I quit? Read here! So do enjoy the visit!
May GOD shines his light on you in all
the things you say and do ;)) Do
Remember....everything you 've done or doing that "may be
"happening" is and was not done by your own strength. You are the Web-page Visitor -
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Recently for the past 2 years, I have been playing in some local Chinese musicals like Lao Jui and
If there's a season which is playing now as we speak.
I must say that it's a great experience even though the rehearsals are tough.
I am so glad that God has been faithful and good to provide me with work and opportunities to meet up with more new musicians
Last updated 18th August 2007
Breaking News!
have also just updated my Sales page, have a couple of items that I want to get
rid of...if you're interested feel free to check it out !
I have put in a page for some of the neat toys & utilities that I have in
my pc. Just click HERE to
find out more.
Pictures archives of the concerts and some of the old pages of the old website
are still available.
Resource page is up!
This is where I'll explain my guitars and my gears which I uses in my
recording/concert sessions .
Included is a page where I can hopefully get rid of some of my older stuffs
which has been crowding my home
to the dismay of my sweet loving wife (You know…wives are funny
that way heheh.) Check it out!
Wondering what is going on? Go
here to find out!
Study: Smoking Harms Women More
Than Men
the buzz? Tell me whatsa happening!
on the Pictures above to know more about what goes on in the shows and
in order to facilitate fundings for anti piracy operations in
The Music piracy business has taken quite a big chunk out of the Music
And the introduction of MP3 is not really doing
any good to the industry as well.
please stop piracy and buy original Music!
so that we songwriters can continue our work and
not starve in the process.
Thank you!
It's done by the will and grace of the Good Lord above.th person to have
visited this site!!
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