What can I say? I am really proud of you guys! 3 cheers to the fans in Singapore! You guys were great!
I have inserted a review from the Sunday Times in here and the audience comments. All reports courtesy of the Straits Times
SEP 26 1999
A*, for another night of Mei-hem The Taiwanese pop diva blew away fans at the National Stadium last night with an adrenaline-soaked concert By TEO PAU LIN BEFORE her fans could thank her for staging a dynamic, adrenaline-drenched concert at the National Stadium last night, Taiwanese pop diva Chang Huei Mei thanked Singapore first. "I read in the papers that the Singapore Civil Defence Force went to Taiwan to help us, let's give them a round of applause!" she boomed. A 39-member contingent from the Defence Force left for Taiwan last Tuesday to help in relief efforts following a devastating earthquake there that killed over 2,000 people. Shaken by the disaster, Chang, better known as A*Mei, had vowed to donate her performance fee here to the quake victims. Her managers said this would be a seven-figure amount in Taiwanese dollars, which would make it at least S$54,000. Yet, she gave her all to the 2-1/2-hour mega concert. She was the first Chinese artiste to perform at the stadium and she easily lived up to, if not bettered, those who preceded her. With a blistering series of songs that ranged from pop, rock, folk to ballads, she pumped up the decibels of a stadium that had played host to Michael Jackson, Air Supply, Elton John and David Bowie since the '80s. From the minute she opened the concert with the thumping Give Me A Feeling, A*Mei had the 32,000-strong audience eating out of her slender hand. From tank-top clad teenagers to their sensibly-dressed parents, they returned every hello and every request to sing along. They even shed tears when A*Mei did. Waving their fluorescent sticks, the audience transformed the stadium into a giant carpet of multi-coloured lights. A*Mei delivered masterfully ballads like Blue Sky and Release with her trademark strong vocals, punctuated with occasional sobs. When she belted out the faster numbers like Bad Boy and Holding Hands, she was sheer lung power, shrouded in the aura of an undisputed star. Brandishing an ensemble of glittering costumes, the dreadlocked banshee tottered on 10-cm heels with not one note out of pitch. She could sing, she could dance, and boy, did she know how to swivel those slim hips. Her body was toned, tight, a glorious result of hours on a treadmill. Most of all, she was a star who genuinely enjoyed singing before a jumping audience, an infectious vibe that hit even the fan furthest away at the other end of the stadium. The weather was hot, but much more the star. Singapore would be waiting for her return.
SEP 26 1999
CONCERT-GOERS: What they liked best "It was very nice of herto thank Singapore. It was also very touching when she cried during the concert." -- Mr Peter Tan, 28, who is in the sales line.
"The best part of the show was when she got a guy up on the stage and sang to him. That was very funny." -- Sarah Lim, 14, student. She and cousin Samantha Tan, 13, were sitting in the front section. They were singled out by A*Mei when they couldn't stop screaming. She advised them not to lose their voices.
"This concert is the 'in' thing. Everybody is coming." -- Mr P. Tan, 34,sales manager
"I was here from 6.30 pm because I'm really looking forward to the concert." -- Lily Hoo, 17, student
"The best part was when A*Mei went very high. I love the way she dances. It was a very good performance. I bought my ticket on the first day they went on sale and have been looking forward to it since." -- Michelle Ho, 18, student
Thank you guys for showing us your support!!!!!
Report on the Sunday Times
The Singapore National Stadium
The men in blue
Mei on the drums
The Ah mei meis
The dressing room
The singapore Crowd
Another shot of the audience
A pic from one of Ah Mei's fan. Thanks Leam! A pic of the performance from the Sunday Times